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This Could Be You

You may have noticed a lull in our blog posting recently and that probably has to do with the fact that much of what was new and exciting when we got here is now part of our normal routine.  We have fun updating all of our friends about our adventures here and will continue to do so as they unfold in the coming months. But this blog post isn’t about us.  It’s about you.

It’s about making the ridiculously awesome things of this blog a reality in your life.  “It would be a once in a lifetime trip”, you say to your spouse and/or friend.  You’re right, but only if you actually capitalize on this particular opportunity during this part of your lifetime.  “But Jason,” you say, “there is so much going on in my life right now. I’m not sure I can make the time.”  You may be right. Maybe you should wait for another friend of yours to move out to Kwajalein in a couple years.  Maybe you’ll find another chance to swim reefs so untouched by the outside world that ‘tourists’ actually have to know someone living on this island and get government permission to come here.


To help you get over (insert excuse here) that just came to your mind during that last paragraph, Michelle and I are sweetening the pot.  If you come to visit us, you won’t pay for a single thing while you are here.  That’s right.  You pay for your plane ticket to Kwajalein and we’ll foot the bill for your accommodations, food, island transportation and activities during your stay.

Instead of fighting for a spot on a commercial and crowded beach, you’ll enjoy secluded beaches with your choice of large Pacific Ocean waves or quite Lagoon waters.  Stop gaining weight from overpriced tourist packed chain restaurants when you can lose weight on vacation as you remember what an active lifestyle looks like.  Leave over priced beach front excursions for free beach front everything here on Kwajalein! With any luck, even that movie you regret not seeing in the theatres will finally be showing on Kwaj when you arrive!  Play beach volleyball on an actual beach. Snorkel to discover countless wonders of the sea.  Ride a bike for the first time in a decade!!  See that hammock?  Imagine your butt resting in that for the better part of a day.  I know I am.


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