The days are getting fewer as Michelle and I continue to work towards our final day on Kwaj – February 21. While we were able to ship some of our things out here when we came 5 years ago, an option exists right now to take a cash payment instead of shipping our stuff back. This means we’ve been slowly but surely selling off nearly all of our earthly possessions – save for selected sentimental items to be mailed stateside.
I have to say it is quite liberating to get rid of so many things. Much is stuff that we intended to use or that once served a purpose, but is now back in a closet or drawer. Some of it has never been used – oye. The amazing question is – where did all this stuff even come from? We live on a small island with basically no shopping which means nearly all of these things were purchased online and came through the mail. And I’m realizing that is just what they are – things. There is something very therapeutic in expelling the extra junk from your life – physically, mentally, emotionally.
Speaking of emotions, mine have been doing pretty well in the wake of making our decision to leave. During our extended limbo period when information to make a decision was scarce, I was exhausted and going through all the feels. I really have felt God working through our decision to leave as I have been super thankful for all of the conversations, interactions and activities during our the last few weeks. Will I miss this place? Absolutely! Words can’t do justice to how special this time in our life has been – unforgettable people and experiences galore. But I am equally excited to see more of God’s amazing planet and other cultures that we can learn from. Being here has stretched my view of what God is capable of doing in my life and I am more determined than ever not to keep my expectations for Him in a box.

My bakery day crew – Elme, Vivian & Akino – A wonderful team!
Our plans going forward are purposefully vague but a general outline looks like this: We’ll explore the big island of Hawaii on our way home – a trip we’ve had booked twice and cancelled twice in the last five years. Then it’s heading to the Midwest to see family & friends for a couple weeks, drop off some things, pick up some things, and head down to South America for several months. There is much to do to get ready, but we are excited for the people and places that we will find, both new and old, in the months ahead.