One truly unique aspect of Kwajalein is the one church building shared by all believers across the island. Sunday mornings feature amazing coordination and cooperation between the Catholic and Protestant congregations. Protestant services are at 8am and 10:45 am and the Catholic mass is at 9:15am in the same chapel space. Though sharing the same room, teams of volunteers make sure that each service incorporates meaningful symbols unique to their own tradition.
The chapel itself is a beautiful open-air sanctuary with wooden pews and a large stained-glass window in the back. Fans run on high to keep worshipers cool and an adjacent air-conditioned building is used for classes.

Our time spent with the Protestant congregation has already brought meaningful perspective for Michelle and I. Having all denominations together certainly feels the way the church was meant to be. I feel that the early church mentioned in Acts 2 rallied around their commonalities much more than letting their differences divide them: something today’s church seems to forget sometimes.