
With gorgeous scenery in multiple national parks, hospitable locals, friendly prices, and the Cyrillic alphabet to learn, Bulgaria will keep you and your crew well entertained for as long as you want to stay. Unique geography like the "Eyes of God" cave and the Hoodoos of the Melnik Pyramids provide even more opportunities for your Instagram. There is so much more to see and do in Bulgaria so please send us a note with your favorite suggestions!

Bulgaria 8 Day Itinerary
Day 1-2: Arrive in Sofia
Day 3: Drive to "Eyes of God" cave on route to Central Balkan National Park.
Day 4-6: Central Balkan National Park, hikes, local activities (Motocross), visit Sevlievo
Day 7: Drive to Rose/Lavender fields, Seven Lakes on way to Melnik
Day 8: Melnik hike to Rozhen monestary
Day 9: Travel to Macedonia
* You could spend weeks traveling Bulgaria, but this was a good amount of time for the Western/Central parts of the country.

This was our itinerary. See other itinerary suggestions below!
How To Use This Map
This map is created in Google Maps. Click on it to open in a new window. Then click the icon at the top that says "open with my google maps." The map will become interactive. You can see the towns we stayed in and many of the stops we made along the way. Each one also includes a photo! Enjoy!
- Prohodna Cave- Eyes of God Cave
- Tour the City Center in Sofia
- Stop by a local event like MotoCross
- Visit the Rose Fields or attend the Rose Festival at the end of May
- Visit the Lavender Fields
- Travel to Melnik to see the HooDoos and go hiking
- Take a wine tour in Melnik
- Visit the Rozhen Monastary
- Enjoy the wild flowers along your drive
- Take a hike in the Central Balkans National Park

Things To Do!

Made in the traditional bowl!

I'm obsessed with this salad!

Food To Try!
Rakjia - Fruit Brandy
Local Beer
Local Wine
Shopska Salad - cucumber, tomato and kajak cheese
Bread, meat and cheese platter
Baked beans and sausage
Cucumber Soup
Local coffee or cappuccino
Sausage and Fries
Palacinke - Crepe like pancake
Veal and veggies baked in traditional bowl
Fried Cheese

Wild flowers are every where in the Balkans!

You'll find poppies all along the roadways and fields full of these pretty red flowers.

Wild flowers are every where in the Balkans!

Our favorite Bulgarian places!
Check out our blog to help you prepare for Bulgaria